DCS and marshelling room comes under automation and play a major role in the output and quality of product. Corrosive gases present in industrial environment like H2S, SO2, chlorine, ammonia, nitric oxide etc enter the automation room and cause electronic failure of electronic cards. OEM suppliers Honeywell/ABB/Yokogawa/ Rockwell Automation high recommend to maintain comfort environment for smooth operation of electronics. Temperature and RH is maintain with the help of HVAC however gases contaminations are ignored. Chemical filter is install to remove the corrosive contaminations present in the near vicinity of control room and maintain the G1 class air quality as per ISA 71.04-2013 standard.
In WWT plant or water treatment plant H2S and chlorine gases cause high corrosion on electronic results in breakdown of electronics.


Datacom is equipment with critical equipment’s and downtime cause huge loss to the customer. Control environment is important for smooth operation of Datacom equipment however the industry is majorly focusing on maintaining temperature and to some extent RH (Relative humidity). Dust and gaseous contamination are totally ignored by industry for smooth operation of electronics.
Datacom centers located nearby to open sewage and/or process industry generating corrosive gases, dust and gases enter the critical electronic room and cause electronic corrosion thereby failure of electronics. Some of locations where IT companies facing electronic failure due to open sewages are Noida, Malad ( Mumbai), Delhi etc and client using chemical filter solution for smooth operation of electronics.
Big giants IBM/DELL/HP/CISCO etc recommends in their documents to install chemical filter at the time of project stage to avoid future electronic failures and downtime. The international standard referred for comfort environment is ISA 71.04-2013 which talks about various classes in terms of copper and silver corrosion levels.



Mobile Switch center room is equipped with critical equipment’s and downtime cause huge loss to the customer. Control environment is important for smooth operation of telecom equipment however the industry is majorly focusing on maintaining temperature and to some extent RH (Relative humidity). Dust and gaseous contamination are totally ignored by industry for smooth operation of electronics.
Telecom switch centers located nearby to open sewage and/or process industry generating corrosive gases, dust and gases enter the critical electronic room and cause electronic corrosion thereby failure of mobile gateways.
Big giants Nokia-Seimens/Haier/IBM/DELL/HP/CISCO etc recommends in their documents to install chemical filter at the time of project stage to avoid future electronic failures and downtime. The international standard referred for comfort environment is ISA 71.04-2013 which talks about various classes in terms of copper and silver corrosion levels.



CAR room is equipment with critical equipment’s and downtime cause huge loss to the customer. Control environment is important for smooth operation of broadcasting equipment however the industry is majorly focusing on maintaining temperature and to some extent RH (Relative humidity). Dust and gaseous contamination are totally ignored by industry for smooth operation of electronics.
Broadcasting companies located nearby to open sewage and/or process industry generating corrosive gases, dust and gases enter the critical electronic room and cause electronic corrosion thereby failure of electronics.
Big giants Avit/IBM/DELL/HP/CISCO etc recommends in their documents to install chemical filter at the time of project stage to avoid future electronic failures and downtime. The international standard referred for comfort environment is ISA 71.04-2013 which talks about various classes in terms of copper and silver corrosion levels.



With the Hi-Tech technologies used in healthcare industry to diagnosis the disease with more clearly and at early stage, these machines MRI/CT SCAN machines are equipment with Hi-Tech electronic cards having each card costing from INR 1Lac to INR 5 Lac and very sophisticated and require comfort environment for functioning. Even small presence of contaminations like sulfur in the form of H2S generated from near by open sewage cause the electronic corrosion and thereby failure and break down of machine. Various other contaminations which are generated in house of healthcare industry and from vehicle exhaust are N)x, Sox, black fine particle/dust etc cause the mal-function of electronics.